Creative Friday – Prophetic Artist Shari Breault

Let me introduce you to Shari Breault today, a prophetic artist, creatively gifted in Christ to reveal the heart of the Father to His children.

ImageShari started painting in 1981. At that time, it seemed to be an escape from a bad home situation but In the midst of everything, God anointed her pain for His glorious purpose. I see the unconditional love of the Father in Shari’s work. Her creative expression in Christ shines with beauty and grace flowing from her life.  This painting  is “Not Afraid To Look.” What do you see?

When children came along, Shari decided to lay down her art to raise them as a single mom. Trusting God, she chose to creatively express the beauty of Christ as a mom in her everyday life, yet deep inside the creative artist was alive waiting to come out again in God’s perfect timing.

Seeing thru a child's eyesHere’s a beautiful painting – “Seeing the World Through a Child’s Eyes”.

It was twenty years later that Shari sensed the Lord calling her to pick up her brushes again. She began to paint a lion.

“I love to paint lions,” says Shari. I didn’t know why until I met a gentleman, Dean Braxton, who actually had an incredible supernatural experience where he died and went to heaven.”

His experience opened his spiritual eyes to see things that others may not be able to see.

Shari says, “When he asked me why I paint lions, I hesitated to answer, thinking it was a trick question. I told him that I loved to paint lions simply because I liked them. Then he told me that there was more to it than that.”

In the spirit, Dean saw many lions around her. Shari admits that some people may think that a bit strange, but she has seen them in the realm of the spirit and with her natural eyes when she paints.

Shari says, “Seeing with the eyes of the spirit opens up my spiritual sight to paint to the glory of God.”

Below is the “Lion of Judah” looking up, calling us to a higher place in the Spirit.

Lion of JudahShari has a lot of dreams and visions from God that inspires her art. When God shows her something, she often thinks about it for a few weeks, wondering how to translate what God is showing her into her artwork. As the vision starts to reveal itself within her by Holy Spirit, her imagination takes hold and she begins to paint what she sees.

Shari desires that her paintings bring healing to people. God is answering that prayer. One day a lady walked into her house and saw the painting of the Bride dancing on the Water. When she saw it, the anointing on the painting brought tears to her eyes and she started to weep. Healing then flowed into the woman’s life that very day.

The Bride in a River of LifeOverwhelmed by the Father’s love for her, Shari’s inspiration flows directly from her intimacy, worship and communion with God. There is a fire that burns within her to create. Many times she weeps for the nations, believing that God will open doors to travel, bringing her art into places where lives will be touched, and many will be healed and set free.





It’s such a joy to introduce Shari to you! Here is her contact information.


Global Renaissance International




Creative Friday: A Visual Feast – Prophetic Artist Karen Martin

Welcome to 1st Friday and a Visual Feast. This blog, riversofeden1, flows in creative expression in Christ. For me that flows through words, stories, and prophetic insights. For others, like Karen Martin, creativity flows through art. Enjoy!

Karen Martin – Lover of Jesus, Artist, Music Teacher

For an artist, inspiration comes from many sources. I can see a beautiful flower, a pond filled with Koi or some simple pots. My vision immediately focuses on the beauty of God’s creation in many different forms. This stirs my spirit to create.


My abstract works are often painted during a church service. I focus on Jesus and ask Him to guide me in what He wants me to paint that day. At that point, I can feel both excited and overwhelmed when I realize that the whole congregation may be watching me through the process. I often ask myself “What if nothing of His glorious nature shows up on this canvas?” Then I realize that I have to get out-of-the-way and remember that He will guide my hand and my heart. I paint and trust.


Other times, God challenges me to feel His heart for certain issues. I focus on abortion or human trafficking. This stirs up my emotions for some time and then at some point, an image emerges in the conscience part of my brain that reveals the issue to me in visual form. “How do I do this?” is often the cry of my heart. I feel incapable of painting something so gloriously revealed with my existing skill set. So, the challenge is on. How do I paint what I see in my mind?


Art seems to be in my creative DNA in Christ. I started painting as a child. My creative pursuit of art is enhanced by many various passions and hobbies in my life. Marriage, family, teaching, acting, and music – they all enhance my work.

Painting is always a struggle for me to this day…but it is a glorious struggle where I place this gift in God’s hands and both of us flow together in creating something that will bring Him glory. He is the ultimate artist, isn’t He?



Karen Martin
Follow Me On Instagram: Renwowart