First Steps Are Important – What Are You Waiting For?

Raleigh At NightSettled in Raleigh for such a time as this. The journey to get here has been one wild ride, filled with excitement along with a bit of healthy fear mixed in. Change and transition, even when you know it is God’s direction, is still a bit crazy when you move into an area that you don’t really know.

Unfolding before me is a year filled with many exciting opportunities, writing, speaking and travel. So before I start blogging again let me give you a run down of these past 6 months. When I write it out, it gives me a perspective on God’s story for my life and how He and I are writing it out together.

Awhile back, during those weeks prior to actually stepping out in faith to come to Raleigh, God whispered to me, “In this next season, I call you to be a Travel Scribe.”

My response, “What is that?”

His reply, “Just follow me. I’ll show you.”

I stepped out in faith, allowing Him to reveal His plans for me. He directed me into several new venues, some of which took me by surprise.

This past May, Women In Ministry Network led by Patricia King ordained me and 16 other glorious women at the Women On The Frontlines Conference in Phoenix. This act of obedience catapulted me into a new realm of spiritual sight and active faith. Connections were made and it suddenly occurred to me that I found my tribe. This act of obedience connected me locally with other women, their churches and other God ordained apostolic-prophetic networks

Then through God’s leading, I joined a Scribal Prophet group led by Apostle Theresa Harvard. (Now if you have an aversion to titles or that God calls women into this, get over it. No debating here. Women are rising up in this hour.) Along with several conferences and a mentoring group, I will branch out in writing prophetically with more boldness and courage. Connections are growing and flourishing. And it is all a confirmation of the call to be a Travel Scribe.

But, there’s more. It’s time to connect with writers who are serious about their craft so I joined Jeff Goins Tribe Writers. So far, so wonderful. It’s 9 month of webinars, mentoring, writing, relationships……….

Apex Community PartAll these venues, along with a few others, came on the heels of a simple act of obedience to move to Raleigh when God said to move. We never really know what doors will open until we take that first step.

I want to expand my reach and extend my path in courage because I believe I have something to say to a prophetic generation that is rising throughout the earth. My life reveals that I carry God’s message, unique to me, as I walk it out in creative adventurous ways. I find this to be very important because it encourages people to know Holy Spirit, leading us on a grand adventure in Christ. If you love religion, you won’t like these posts. In fact, you will probably ignore them because you are satisfied with things being done in a predictable manner. That’s not me. From the moment, I encountered Jesus, I realized He was looking for me all along. When He called me to be a Travel Scribe, it resonated in my spirit before I could really grasp the reality of that call.

Add it all up->

Travel + Speaking + Writing + Photography + Adventure + Passion for Jesus + Love Holy Spirit + Spontaneity + Creativity = Debra

Who could ask for anything more? Don’t you want to be you? Ask God to lead you on His adventure to reveal His life through you.


Living with Passion and Purpose In Christ

About Me
Rivers of Eden Ministry
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God Weaves His Story Through Your Life

Enjoy the JourneySo often we can lose ourselves in the “Big Picture”, gazing at the horizon of what could be, what may be, or what will come. In doing that, we lose a sense of our purpose in the moment, in the now – discouragement or disillusionment sets in quickly.

Our lives are works of art, created in Christ, loved by the Father and walked out in Holy Spirit.

Look at your life. Look at the story God is weaving through all your experiences, good and bad. There is a picture God wants to show you so that Christ can live His life through you, uniquely and creatively. We are the story and we are the message of our life in Christ.

Take time to get alone to simply BE and allow the Spirit to minister to you and Jesus to speak to you.

What I was as a child, I am now – creative, spontaneous, loving adventure……….Jesus says that we are to be like children in our faith. To believe that we walk out the mysteries of His love and grace day by day.

As adults, we lose this sense of wonder along the way due to life’s pressures along with many other things that come against us and try to destroy our wonder and innocence in the beauty of Jesus.

Childlike faith moves out in simplicity and trust as Holy Spirit leads the way. I think perhaps we need to look back upon our lives as children, not to focus on all the pain, wounds or our negative feelings about what our parents did or did not do……….forgive and then allow the Lord to reveal to you how you are made, who you are, and why you are in such a time as this……….what was taken away due to life’s ongoing pressure is now coming alive in Christ. What’s your story? Look carefully and see all the little things that make you…….YOU.

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you…Jeremiah 1:5

For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made…..Psalm 139:13-14

Living with Passion and Purpose……..In Christ,

About Me
Rivers of Eden Ministry

Today…….look no further!

1382384_651791381527683_925388398_nToday, this day, is what we have. Jesus said not to worry about tomorrow but think on Him Today. He is sufficient, able, and fully complete Today.

Today does not ignore challenges and does not disregard present fears. But….Jesus has conquered death and the grave so LIVE as seated in heavenly places. Live with intention and passion!

Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Don’t worry about missing out. You’ll find all your everyday human concerns will be met. “Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes, Matthew 6:33-34

Too much worry, too much fear going around. I am not denying their reality in trying to rule our lives. And I say ‘trying’. If fear tries to get in and worry forms our default position, our lives shift into a constant state of flux, without peace, without rest. Don’t go there. I know it’s hard when we face things that seem like mountains that just won’t move but don’t go there. Give God the chance to show Himself strong on your behalf.

Jesus said not to worry and He meant it. When we project ourselves, through our thought life into the future, we create a path that is hemmed in by fear and worry. Live today with your eyes on the future but walk in His reality today, resting in the moments. Can you really change anything through fear or worry? I don’t believe you can.

It’s great to have goals. It’s wonderful to walk in our destiny one step at a time, believing for greater and greater things but don’t try to work it out. There is beauty in rest. That seems to go contrary to the grain of what many feel today but in Christ there is rest, peace and hope AND He does use it all to work all things for His glory in your life.

What’s something you can release today into His presence and live your life in Christ? For me, it’s this whole move into North Carolina. I wake up  in faith and in trust as He leads me out in my day. I spend time in His presence and seek His face and He directs my path. There’s no 10 point plan or specific rules on how to do this. It’s all about your creative life in Christ and it all starts with intimacy. Get alone for a bit. Get quiet. Worship and wait for Him to speak into your life. He will and your life will be filled with adventure.

It won’t always be safe. It’s a journey of faith. 



Living with Passion and Purpose In Christ,



Please share this with those needing the challenge of journey in Christ, a grand adventure in Holy Spirit that leads us beyond the borders of mundane Christianity into an ocean of grace and glory.


It Won’t Always Be Safe – It’s A Journey of Faith

Here we are in Raleigh, North Carolina. First impression – so beautiful!

It’s our journey of faith and it’s a journey that isn’t always safe and comfortable! 

This past year faith opened my eyes to see that change is my default position. Change guides my daily routine, how I organize my days in the Holy Spirit. Change led us this year, one step at a time to move to North Carolina from Texas. One year ago God simply said, “Head east!”

Never Lose A Holy CuriosityI believed Him and wanted to obey but still struggled inside with a bit of fear.  In all my life, I never conceived of living on the East Coast.

Obedience requires sacrifice on many levels. As the struggle inside me died, the way became clear. As I submitted to His plan, the path opened up one step at a time.

This is our life! We are three hours ahead of you California. We still love you and always will. California will always be in my heart…always. Can you see that I still miss it? My life in the Spirit was formed there.

Is this our last move? I’m not sure. I’m not looking too far ahead. Right now, God calls us to settle into this area, giving our time and our anointing to build up God’s people.

My life message is creativity and journey in Holy Spirit. In creativity, Holy Spirit led us in the journey to get here.

Divine connections landed on our path in the most random places as we were seeking God for confirmation. Meeting people while in Texas that were from North Carolina. There they were, right in front of us (in dog parks, while taking a walk) to encourage us and challenge us in our journey of faith.

Dreams played into my sleep indicating a new way. I woke up with a knowing but remained quiet before the Lord.

Signs in the natural dropped onto our path. We laughed at some of them as God has a sense of humor and speaks to us so individually and creatively that we know it is Him talking to us. I’ll blog about the dimes in a few days.

It’s been a quiet journey to get us to this point. I didn’t talk about it much. I didn’t blog about this journey to get to today.  I wanted to write but God kept restraining my hand and my life to be still and trust Him. I felt out of the mix, on the move, wondering, asking but more in love with Him than anything that would stop me from following my Lord wherever He leads.

A new sound, a sure voice is rising up as I follow His path for my life.

It seems that there is a new migration of people shifting and moving in America. We are meeting so many New Yorkers here in Cary, North Carolina. Lots of Californians. Feels great to be here – God is moving! Are you where you are supposed to be? Location is very important in these days. Be perfectly positioned and placed in Christ and in the earth.

This is a journey of faith. It won’t always be safe. Enjoy this journey with me. I want to impart faith to sons and daughters of God to step out, to risk it all and to follow Holy Spirit.



Living with Passion and Purpose In Christ,

Please share this with those needing to be challenged to journey in faith and obedience  in Christ.

I’d love  to speak at your gathering, conference or home group, please send me a message on the contact page or email me at Please visit Rivers of Eden Ministry page to find out something About Us.