Summer in Wyoming – A time of recalibration, re-creation and re-invention

This is a summer where I’ve spent 2 months in Wyoming with my husband who had a short-term job as senior construction manager in Rawlins, WY.

God ordained this special time. I call it my summer of creation. It’s interesting as to how it developed into a transition between where we were and where we’re going.

Panorama WYI marvel at the beauty of Wyoming.  Sincere thanks to our friends Charlene and Johnny and their fantastic all-terrain vehicle which took us high up in the mountains to truly be immersed in silence and the beauty of God’s creation.

I stopped writing this summer as God simply said to me “This is a summer of watching, observing. Just flow with Me.” Now I am ready to BE again, to write more and to walk in the beauty and glory of Christ Jesus.

What He’s purged out of me is to be in the mix or to be in the forefront of anything. To be a bit obscure and hidden in Rawlins- small quiet town. To watch Him as He watches me and gives me this summer to recalibrate, re-invent and co-create with Him for the next part of our journey.


In Christ,