There’s No There………..There

3294247795_7a63d3d340_zHave you heard the expression – “There’s no there…there”? It captures an image in my mind of someone continually walking, but never arriving at his or her destination.

I see so many people waiting for something or someone to take them out of their current reality to whisk them away to their ‘THERE’. That place where all is settled nicely into place. That next breakthrough. That next prophetic word. That next something or other.

You know that word in Isaiah that says that those who wait upon the Lord will rise up with wings as eagles. Well, I know many who are still waiting and waiting and waiting. I used to be one of them, feeling somewhat self-righteous and smug in my spirituality. No more. It’s time to risk it all to follow the Lord – possibility, faith and obedience being the key words.

Christianity is about life in Christ. He is my life now. So for me there is no ‘there’ to move into to find Him for He is right here within me. That reality has changed how I approach life on a daily basis. How I can walk in adventure and journey, believing that He is all I need now. Jesus is capable of leading me where He wants me to go to do what He wants me to do.

Sound Waves From MouthWhen I prophesy into someone’s life or even write prophetically, I prophesy from the revelation of the finished work of Christ on the cross. I prophesy from a position of breakthrough, of being seated in heavenly places, of being a child of God NOW not somewhere out THERE.

That is who I am and that is who you are in Christ, as a Christian. Our identity is secure in Him, fully settled in His sacrifice. I no longer strive to achieve anything more to add to his finished work but live in rest, His live flowing in and through mine.

Prophecy that causes anyone to strive or to enter into performance to produce anything is not of God. Yet, there are so many words being given that project us into our future, while negating the reality of our now.

Now we are seated in heavenly places.

Now I am complete in Christ.

Now I am loved.

Now I am accepted.

Now all the promises of God are yes and amen in Christ.

Now every spiritual blessing is mine in Christ.

That’s where I begin to write and prophesy. Now is the day of your salvation. What will we do within it?

To constantly tell people breakthrough is coming, revival is coming, and healing is coming negates the reality of what is here for us in Christ. Breakthrough is mine. Revival is mine. Healing is mine. Believe it. That forms the foundation of a prophetic life. The manifestation of healing or breakthrough may not seem apparent right now but they are complete, nonetheless. When we enter into the rest of this reality, we live from a position of our fulfilled life in Christ, not always searching for something more.

I prophesy that Jesus Himself has secured a life of abundance and blessing in Him. In Him is key to our understanding. I don’t strive to get more. I allow Him to live His life through me, which is a promised life of righteousness, peace and joy. It is a life that I will encounter suffering and persecution but in that I am positioned in His blessing and in His abundant life.

There are times of increased warfare in our lives. But, we don’t withdraw from life, waiting for it to pass. We stand, with an intensity to fight off the enemy through declaration of identity, not through shouting and yelling or trying to press harder and harder and harder. Everything is ours in Christ so we walk in that truth– through the ups and downs of life, through all its trials and sufferings.

This reality has changing everything about my prophetic journey. I don’t strive but find peace in Christ to live my life in the Spirit. Rest produces peace and clarity of vision. Rest increases my trust to believe in the promises of God now and to walk in their reality, one step at a time, moving forward in faith.

CrossI prophesy life to each of you reading this, the life of Christ flowing in and through you for victory over any and every circumstance that you encounter. Our relationship with Jesus, with the Father, with Holy Spirit assures us that He will always be with us, in the midst of our life struggles.

For those who struggle with answers nowhere in sight, start by believing that He is a good Father who loves you and only wants what is best for you NOW. When darkness hits and tries to drag you down, remember that He is with you, never leaving or forsaking you NOW. No matter what storm what difficulty, don’t retreat but run to Him and He will see you through…no over or under but through and you will be stronger through it all.

There’s no there…there. He’s right here with everything you need for life.

More in a few days……………..



Living with Passion and Purpose in Christ



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Time to Move Out Into Those Wide Open Spaces In Christ

5970202685_c187cfac72_zIt’s possible.

It’s impossible.

What do I believe?

Nothing is impossible with God. He delights in giving me dreams, visions and revelation that call me out from my safe comfortable existence. I share my hopes and dreams with those who dream big, who believe in walking in the possibilities of God in Christ Jesus. His purpose for me is kingdom oriented and supernaturally driven. It’s infused with eternal perspective that is my internal GPS system.

Each day I choose to believe God. I choose to believe His word.

For with God nothing will be impossible.” Luke 1:37

2017 is a year where my key words are possibility, faith, obedience and confidence.

Possibility brings me into wide-open spaces of exploration.

He stood me up on a wide-open field; I stood there saved—surprised to be loved! Psalms 18:19

Pushed to the wall, I called to God; from the wide-open spaces, he answered. God’s now at my side and I’m not afraid; who would dare lay a hand on me? God’s my strong champion; I flick off my enemies like flies. Far better to take refuge in God than trust in people; Far better to take refuge in God than trust in celebrities. Ps. 118:5-9

In a negative, chaotic world, I choose to believe in possibility, a wide-open space where Jesus takes my hand and Holy Spirit leads me into adventure. In this place, promises abound, hope is eternal, and destinies are walked out in purpose, contrary to the ways of the world. I refuse to live any other way now.

My dad was a negative person due to pain in his personal life. This atmosphere infused our home. Growing up believing that I will never measure up, I stood back, always observing, never engaging with life, never taking risks. Deliverance and healing came in Christ years ago when I received His salvation and His healing. Step by step He walked me out into total freedom into my life message of journey and adventure in the Holy Spirit. It keeps getting better and better each day.

PaintbrushPossibilities are real in the spiritual realm. I see them with eyes of faith and obey the Holy Spirit’s lead to walk them out in a broad place without fear or condemnation.

Timing of the manifestation of the promise is in God’s hands but once you see it in the Spirit, it is yours. Faith calls it forth and obedience walks it out. I partner with the Holy Spirit to manifest heaven on earth through my life in Christ.

Here’s how walk it all out in my life when I receive a promise from God.

Iceland is on my heart. God put it there. He’s a good God with a keen sense of humor. I see something about Iceland in commercials on TV, on the Internet, or while I am reading. It’s like He is saying, “There it is. What are you going to do about it?”

I know I’m called there so I’m putting it out there as an example of walking in faith in journey with Holy Spirit.

I can wait until someone contacts me or I can be proactive in the spirit and start where I am right now….believing in the possibilities that exist in His promise to me.

I take the visions or dreams that He gives me and I position myself in prayer. I prophesy to myself. I pray the vision out loud in declaration until I receive more vision. I thank God for this promise seeing myself there in this beautiful nation.

He then shows me a picture of a rock tumbler and rocks’ hitting against one another and I Google what a rock tumbler is. How does this picture spiritually reveal what God is saying about Iceland and its people? This is just a small part of one vision – walking out the now step by step into the future that is on the horizon.

My call – To motivate you to move in Christ into grand adventure in your Christian walk, believing nothing is impossible with Him. Keep walking this out with me………..

Possibility = adventure and journey in Christ Jesus

Faith = believe the promise at all times, even when you don’t quite see it

Obedience = walking out small steps day by day on this journey. Get moving!

Confidence = NOT in myself but in Jesus, who strengthens me, encourages me and leads me onward.



Living with Passion and Purpose in Christ